I went to Bonny and Justins house tonight because their neiborhood is the best place ever for trick-or-treating!!! I didn't go though, I had to hand out candy. (We ran out twice!) It was Jason and Zoƫ's first Halloween!!!! They went as Superman and SuperGirl. If Bonny is reading this, I would like you to send me the pictures from tonight that you took so I can post them here, asap.(Thanks)
I was going to not dress-up but about 10 minutes before we had to leave, I put on the pirate medallion I have and I braided me hair differently, so I decided to wear my moms Scarborough Fair costume and go as Elizabeth Swann.... Tell me what you think considering I came up with it in 10 minutes.
p.s. this last picture is just me goofing off trying to be artistic, What do ya think Shanna-kaye?