Saturday, September 27, 2008


FIRST OFF i just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. it was a quiet relaxing day, ending with the pres. debates. but i enjoyed it. my uncle is here from new mexico and i have a friend coming over whos gonna stay for afew days. AND my awesome mother made me a choclate-mocha gooey butter cake!!! (let me just say YUM!!)

this is my sister and uncle and cake.

Anyway, my mom wanted to know what i wanted for my birthday. so i said 'i would like to not have to clean my room' (because i knew my uncle would be coming to my house and i usually get kicked out of my room when guests arrive, so my room HAD to be clean)
Soooo she and my sister cleaned my room while i was gone for afew days. now, for some of ya'll who know me well or have seen my room, you'll know that i HATE to clean my room and i'm really really not good at keeping it clean. this last time it was the worse state its ever been, but now it's clean. i know some of ya'll wont believe me so i recorded a tour of my clean room.
so i would like to dedicate this video to my mommy and my sister katrina.

also, before when ike was about to hit texas, remember we went to IL. well one night my sister and i had nothing to do. so we decided to do this...
(WARNING : james dow, be warned. if you see this video, i don't think you'll ever talk to me again.....) :'-(

Spoof on Ghost Hunters (only with vampires)


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

new pictures
well, it was very hard to get all these pictures taken because one of the younger cousins, jordan, is such a bird brain. he just wouldn't look at the camera for more that a half second. anyway, we went to sears to get these done today and it took awhile because there are 7 of us. lol..... so i thought i would share these though. i like them.





Friday, May 16, 2008

i had to clean my room today.
Now to most people who don't know me real well, you'd say 'well, so...' or 'thats good, she'll have a fresh start' . well no....
i think shanna-kaye might get it right in saying 'what on earth would get that girl to finally clean her room.' you see, i hate to clean my room. I used to trick katrina into doing it for me when we were much younger. I will go for years without cleaning it, i'm serious. I really hate it.
mom: why don't you like to clean your room.
annie: because i know where everything is now.
mom: oh really, wheres your camera then?
annie:...... where i left it......
So yeah, back to the question. What scared me enough to wanna clean my room.
thats what.

we have declared bankruptcy so we have to fill out afew papers. it's more like a book really.... or headache....
Whatever you wanna call it.
So there is this part in the book where you basicly list everything you own. Including all clothes, collections, furniture, jewelery, instruments, tools, more clothes, and i don't know what all....
So, i.... we all.... have to clean out the house to find all this stuff. that means i had to clean my room to get all my clothes sorted, washed, folded, and give away or put away.
i really hated today. All i managed to do today was get all the clothes from my bedroom floor and put them on my living room floor to be washed.
I have about 1/3 of my room still messy right now though. So i didn't clean all the way. :-)
(A little bit of normal is good for me.) lol

anyway, i'm going to bed now to get ready for tomorrow.. aka part 2... aka the day i have to count everything i own....
(pray for me..)


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A group of senior engineers at A&M created a robot to play guitar hero for their senior project, its AWESOME!!



Friday, April 25, 2008

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Wow.... this was really gross.......So i'd thought i would share.
Bonny picked me up this afternoon to take me to an asian market thing called 'Saigon Taipei'. Anyway, they have the weirdest stuff in there that i have ever seen. So, since i was there i thought i would share some of the pictures i got from my phone. Warning: If you are vegan or vegetarian, just don't look. I don't wanna hear about how wrong it is, trust me, the smell was very convincing. SO, just don't bother me about that. um.... yeah.... here we go....
Here is the place. it's near the haltom city area.Photobucket
The do have some great stuff like this candy. I have never really tasted anything like it, i really can't even describe it but i love it.Photobucket
And then there is everything else. This is really squid, and i am going to be eatin it in afew days..... (pray for me)anyway, next i'm gonna show you some of the grossest stuff in the store. (don't worry, i'll start off lite and work my way up.)Photobucket
Here we have some frozen fish. Only some of the MANY frozen fish. (not includeing non frozen fish.)Photobucket
does this look sanitary to you??...Photobucket
OCTOPUS!!!!!!! (slimy, yet satisfying)Photobucket
GIANT WATER BUGS!!!!! (...yum?...)Photobucket
Now i know ya'll have heard of frog legs, but lets not be wasteful. lol.Photobucket
I just love this pic because you can see the fish in the tank and the fish all laid out on display, AND the 2 dudes in the back gutting the fish.Photobucket
eww.... that, my friends, is a HUGE cow tounge... :-pPhotobucket
And at last my final picture. (drum roll)Now we know what really happened to the 3 little pigs....Mua-hahahaha.........Photobucket
So what do ya'll think? This is just a small sample of what all was at that place. There was also chicken feet, hearts, livers etc..... Pork stomache, feet, rectum, ears etc..... lets see... Crickets, shrimp flavored chips, cartons of blood, whole eels (frozen), fertilized and partialy developed duck eggs, and quail eggs, 5 diffrent kinds of mint, and really big snails. You get the picture, just all kinds of things.

What else can i really say after all that....except..
G'night ya'll


Friday, March 07, 2008

Jalapenos and Democrats

2 stories. One of a 2-3 year old eatin a jalapeno. Second about how a republican 5 year old feels when her family votes in the democratic primaries.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Saturday, February 09, 2008

I had the weirdest dream last night...

i just wanted to share.


Monday, January 14, 2008

Your Personal Penguin

The recording of Davy Jones' song, Your Personal Penguin by Sandra Boynton.