{------ (My cousin Jobeth)
Katrina and I wanted to ride some rides but all the good stuff (the batman, the texas giant, Mr. freeze) was closed. The shows were great, we saw 'Honky-Tonk Christmas' in the Crazy Horse Saloon. That was funny, and we saw a friend of ours that was in the show. We saw Cool Yule(I think one of those guys winked at me!!!), and The Holiday Hams. Wait, The Holiday Hams were hilarious!!! Their was this one part where they were about to play 'Blue Christmas' by The King, and they got this bald guy from the audience, who didn't even know the song, to come up there and sing it. They gave him the cape and the glasses, and taught him all the need-to-know Elvis moves. And then they let him sing to his hearts content. It was really bad! The funny part is that i have been listening to Tommy Shaw (STYX) sing Blue Christmas for the past 3 days. As I said before, It was really bad! Ok, back to the shows.... Lets see, We also saw 'The Best Time Of The Year' which was done in the big o' Southern Palace. (the best show they have there is at fright fest). But My favorite show was Scrooge, of course. (It reminded me of Darth Sparrow, you know, with the whole 'Burn' thing.......) So...... I think that's all I have to post.

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