Friday, March 31, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
This message is for the people that helped put together the get well soon poster for Me-Maw:
Thank you Bonny for sending us the pictures of Jason and Zoë. I would also like to thank my Aunt Amy for sending me pictures of my cousins James, Josh, Jordan, Annie-bell, and Alizabeth. And last but not least, thanks to Brittney for sending us pictures of her sisters Devon, Lauren, and Adrienne for Me-Maw's get well soon poster. She loved it!!!
Here's how it turned out:

Here is Me-maw with the poster:

And just for fun I have an embarissing picture of Katrina!

She is sooooo gonna kill me...........
Darth Bluejay
Friday, March 24, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
Anyway, I saw the end of Titanic today and if ya'll can remember the guy that, at the end, was looking for some surviving passengers and then found that red haired girl....... you the end........ Well, He also was Lancelot in King Arthur and Was Mr. Fantastic in the fantastic four. I just thought you guys should know. Oh, sorry I forgot, He was also in 102 Dalmations.
So Yesterday I pulled a prank that I didn't even know I pulled till it was done. My uncle came to my grandparents house this weekend and He is just an addict to cokes. So anyway, we all had lunch at this bowling ally,(It's the best/only place to eat in abington) and It's like a Ryans or Golden Corral type of a place. So it's also a place that serves Pepsi not coke. So my uncle asks for a coke and our waitress says 'We only serve Pepsi, is that ok?' He said 'No' and for some reason I have had a bottle of coke in my purse for like 3 days, I don't know why, I think I had a water bottle in there before for camping..... Anyway There was a coke in my purse, and my uncle is the type of uncle that looks like he could get easily angered and he cheats at cards and pulls pranks at work (he's also a doctor) and has 5 kids under the age of 13. So I don't really talk to him that much, so I thought maybe I can get on his good side if I give him the coke, so I did and my mom was like, 'Why do you have a coke in your purse' and I was like'I don't know' and My uncle says 'To give to her favorite uncle', and as he said that he opened the coke and it spewed all on the table...... I should have known that it would have done that because I have been carrying that in my purse. oh well I am still alive and we spent the rest of lunch hearing him talk about some pranks he had pulled with a friend of his. (I hope that wasn't a threat)
Darth Bluejay
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
I just went to a web site of a church where alot of the people that I went to school with go....(I know, thats really confusing) Any way I saw some pictures there of people that I knew and I thought you might want to see them. Here they are:

That blond guy is Jeremy. He was one of the top 4 popular guys at my schoolbecause He was very good at basketball. He was ok, I guess. I didn't really need to talk to him.

This is Caroline (evil top popular girl) and her side kick Lacy (evil brain dead popular girl). Caroline was the girl that 'called' Will walker as her boyfriend.........
I really disllike her.......

The guy that looks like he's trying to grow a beard, is Camron. He was soooooo nice!!

Ok, I only know 3 of these guys. You already met Camron, so skip the next 2 and There you have Shawn and then Jake. Shawn was the quiet type, but Jack was another one of the top 4 populer guys.

The girl on the right, Her name is Kelsey. She was one of my very best friends in 4th and 5th grade. She is so very wild!!!

Now the girl on the left is Whitney, and then skip the next girl and then you have Brittney. Both very evil popular girls. Grrrr.
Anyway thosse are some of the people that I use to go to school with.
Also I have good news. Reagan dosen't like the picture I put of him and Lauren at Six Flags! hehehe......
And Today i was working with my ipod. Like, I was puting pictures of album covers to all of the songs, so when ever I played a song on my ipod, then the album cover came up to. So I put the audio post from my blog and laurens blog on my ipod because they are really funny, and since they don't have album covers I made some. I also made one for Reagan's mix CD that he gave me for Christmas. I just wanted to let you see them and Then tell me what you think. I made like 4 other ones for some songs I found over the internet so I'll put them here to. Please tell me what you think!
Heres Laurens:

Heres Mine:

Heres Reagans:

Here is one for a Don Juan and Miguel cd that I have:

Here is one for a band called Jeremiah's Tears:

This is one for Katrinas CD that she made me put on my ipod:

This is my favorite. It's one for a techno version of the song Sister Christain by Night Ranger:

Ok, so just tell me what ya'll think.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006


It's the New and Improved SUPER MAN!!!!!!!!!
Reagan is the old school version.

Zoë: ohhhh yeeeeaaaahhhhhhh.....i'm cool.......

That was a fun picture to take! Zoë is attacking Jason!! ahhhhh!!!


I think she likes the Chocoate from the cake we were making. (by we I mean Mom and Bonny, duh, I had babys to take care of....)

I think my Dad had a good Birthday! He's 45 now, don't forget to say something along the lines of 'your old now' to him next time ya'll see/talk to him. and I WANT COMMENTS thind time or......
Lauren: I will show the videos of the womans know what that means...hehehe
Reagan: .............I'll think of something...................or I can get my mom to write one of your baby stories and I can put that on here, unless you don't care............ then I'll...................think of something......hehehe......

It's my Dad's Birthday Today!!!! It's 2:44 am right now, and I just wanted to post and tell ya'll that its my dads birthday today. So I will tell you what happens today later. What we have planed is that Bonny and Justin and Jason and Zoë will come over and we will bake a Red Velvet Cake!! (Because that is my dad's favorite cake) And we have thought about calling my dads brother, (Uncle Ken) but were not sure if he will come over or not.
Well on another note, When I was in Illinois My Mom and Dad and Katrina went over to Bonny and Justins house and took some pictures of Jason and Zoë. Here they are:
(Tell me What ya'll think)
p.s. I also wanted to post a picture of when Lauren (Jack), Reagan (Big Boss Texan/Mr. Ostrich/ Six Fingered Man), and I went to Six Flags this January. I am posting this now because Reagan is not in Fort Worth and Lauren is leaving Friday for Spring Break and thay can't get to me before yall see this!!!HaHaHaHaHa-HaHa (evil laugh)! :
p.s.s it's not a really good picyure of either of them....but.... it makes me laugh. hahahahaha
Monday, March 06, 2006
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
I'm all out of ideas that ya'll like to take about with me. I mean I could talk about the ROCK AND ROLL FANTASY CAMP!!! I sooooooooooooooooooooooo want to be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See, if I talk about what I'm good at talking about (music), then I will just lose ya'll.... I haven't really found someone that 100% knows what I'm talking about when it comes to music. Like, the maybe my mom+ my dad+ Lauren+ Reagan. That would be close, but not there yet..... I have an iPod (finally!!!!) an I have 3,088 songs on there, that's a lot of bands! I don't know if anyone is more into music than I am right now, if you do, 'won't you please, please' tell me....(yes, that was lame, I know) Anyway, I'll talk to ya'll later.
please comment this time!