
It's the New and Improved SUPER MAN!!!!!!!!!
Reagan is the old school version.

Zoë: ohhhh yeeeeaaaahhhhhhh.....i'm cool.......

That was a fun picture to take! Zoë is attacking Jason!! ahhhhh!!!


I think she likes the Chocoate from the cake we were making. (by we I mean Mom and Bonny, duh, I had babys to take care of....)

I think my Dad had a good Birthday! He's 45 now, don't forget to say something along the lines of 'your old now' to him next time ya'll see/talk to him. and I WANT COMMENTS thind time or......
Lauren: I will show the videos of the womans retreat.....you know what that means...hehehe
Reagan: .............I'll think of something...................or I can get my mom to write one of your baby stories and I can put that on here, unless you don't care............ then I'll...................think of something......hehehe......

See I didn't think you would show up because not a alot of people have shown up for a while.
cool pics u look great w/ur hair natural!!! cute pics of the kids heheh ur dads old hehe we can rag on my dad this year he'll be the big 40. hehehe
I....um.....still had the blue hair there.......
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