Shanna-Kaye's Post:
its 1:56am and we r still up talkin bout boys
lol. oh, i thought it was boyz....ovioulsly its singular, boy, not boys. oh well, lol. i have a new fad...... guitar players...and paper napkin braclets....yeah, weird i kw, but they are flavorable...bacodusly flavorable. dont ask. *its a-flavorable-singing-school-teens-you-had-too-be-there-to-get-it-fully-kinda-a-thing.* yeah, thats rite. so ya'll, and i mean ALL of ya'll r kw required to come to ss. its GREAT!! not to metion the grown up feeling, ya kw, cause we have r own dorms and everything,....and the parents leave ya alone. lol, at least my roomie's did! so we pretty much did what we wanted to, slept in if we were dead, walk round and chat with mical, (the most flavorable gurl from TN) kady, (pronouced katie) (mical's sister) justin, (the awesome guitar player) jennifer and julie holt, sis's that were cool to hang with (us gurlz were in a group in class) so we had a blast!!!

annie and justin got to play their guitars over the week, which was awesome, and then we had a mini concert tonite. justin was leavin in the morning, so they were playin for the last time. they both did awesome, cause they are learnin how to play together, and its flavorable, but anyway,they played hero by nickelback freebird by lynard skynard justin played :you and me by lifehouse for the talent show he played good ridance(time of our life) by green day ......then he sang and she played, it was soooo bacodus. and then mrs sellers wanted me and annie to sing and play "happy ending" by avril like we had been playin for the last week, and we were relunctic bout it at first, cause there was like 10 ppl around, and my voice was shot, but we did anyway. it turned out very bacodus, aka better than we expected it would. justin videoed us, and when i put it on my laptop, we found out he was singing along. that was cool. soo we had a blast, oh yeah, he wore a pink hat, that was micals, that happend to come from sweden (they used to live there, its sooo not fair!) and then i wore it for our song. funny, i thought it would look horrid on me, but i auctally liked it! it looked rele cute. lol, annie thinks it looked better on him! lol, probly, im not going to argue with that.
I'll talk to you guys later. Remember I still have to tell the whole story of Mr. Fabolus....
annie you know that the word bucodus is copyrighted!
so cease useing that word!
. .
--- from your sister katrina
I'm sorry.
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