Last Wednesday I went to a Motley Crue and Aerosmith concert. I know what your thinking, 'WOW!!'. I know, that's what I though when I got invited. Ok, Let me tell you how it all started. Last weekend I went camping with some people from church. My friend Deondra was one of them, She was there Saturday. Anyway, I had brought my guitar so I was playing it and sometimes Deondra was playing it, and I was wearing my Aerosmith t-shirt and she told me that she and her boyfriend and his friend were going to this concert, then she said she had an extra ticket if I wanted to go. I said 'YES' of coarse..... So I went to the concert! Motley Crue came up first and they aren't really my thing so I didn't really much care for them. Then they left and we had a break. I sent a text to Reagan because I forgot to tell him I was going, becaue it all happened so fast I didn't really have time to get extremely excited like I was for Night Ranger and Styx concerts last year (my first post). So he text back and said 'awesome' and 'Don't let Steven Tyler eat you'. (weird). So Then Aerosmith came on and they were AWESOMELY GREAT, BACODULY FLAVIORABLE, ETC.... It was the best rock show I have ever been to!!! I only reconized afew of the songs. Here they are: Dream On, Baby Please Don't Go, Cryin', Draw The Line, Sweet Emotion, and Walk This Way. All in All it was amazing! Steven Tyler still had his mike stand with all of the scarves and Joe Perry is still one of the coolest guitar players ever. At the end of Walk this way after the encore, Joe Perry threw his guitar on the ground, took his shirt off, started hitting the fret board of the guitar with the shirt, put the shirt on his shoulders, put his guitar back on, ran to the drum set, layed back on it, was still playing his guitar, and the drummer finally had to push him off his drums. Man, I got to tell you Joe Perry might be as old as my grandfather, but he is still hott! Oh, and did I mention thatit was like 46 degrees plus very strong winds........ So yeah it was cold. Anyway that's all I have to say for now. I'm going to Arkansas for Thanksgiving so I don't think I will be able to post for a while. But before I go here are some pictures of the madness that was the concert that I went to. Tell me what you think.
Darth Bluejay
Friday, November 17, 2006
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the pictures r cul
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