Saturday, February 10, 2007

It was a nightmare getting here... I am soooo happy that I'm back but I am a little dissapointed because its soo COLD!!!! Anyway let me tell you what I had to go through to get to this state. We were suppost to stay in IL for 2 weeks, We were their for 3 weeks......
The first time we tryed to leave, it snowed 4 in.... All flights from Peoria to Chicago were not looking good for people on the stand by list, So we stayed another week.....
The second time we were going to leave, the day we set out to drive to the air port and fly away, it snowed 3 in... It was a diffrent kind of snow though, it was big and feathery and you couldn't see 1 foot in front of you. So we tryed for the next day. Yeah, we got to the airport, first step down!!! (clap clap clap)
Anyway we get past check out and onto the metal detectors.... For some reason this time they desided that our group that was flying(me, my mom, my sister, her 2 one year old kids) was special. So they went through ALL OF YOUR BAGS and the frisked us all down.... By this time, I wanted to go back to bed, I didn't want to deal with the airport.
So after we got all that done and we get to the gate, they tell us we only have room for 2 people that are on the stand by list. So my mom comes up with the great idea that me and bonny (found sister) would fly to Chicago with BOTH of the babies..... (Not a good Idea mom)
Anyway when the plane went up, jason fell asleep. I was kindof worried that he past out because he has a bad heart. But he woke up when we landed, Zoƫ was with Bonny in another seat in another row somewhere at the end of the plane.

(I know your thinking, when is this gonna end, we this is 2 days worth of bad traveling so I'm not done yet.)

Its a short flight from the Peoria to Chicago, like 25 minutes. So we get there and go to the gate to get to DFW. We get there in like 1 1/2 hours before we could check in so we got some food and something to give the babies and we sign in after waiting for an hour. We are 3rd to have signed in and we are 28 and 36 on the stand by list.... Apparently some chicago to dallas flights had been canceled earlier that day and the people that should have been on the other flights where on this one now..... Grrr Arrrgggg.........
So by this time my mom and my sister had just gotten here from peoria. I was looking like we wouldn't be able to get out of Chicago for days if we wanted to get to DFW. So we went to Albuquerque New Mexico. It was like 7 pm at this point so we stayed at the best best western in the world, woke up, went to old town, went shopping, ate, (did I mention it was like in the 70s there), got back to the best western, got our stuff, went to the air port, and GOT ON THE PLANE!!!!!! It was about time we got back. So we were back in Texas and the first thing I say when I get outside in that Texas air is, I want to go back to Albuquerque.....



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey well im glad you are back
kat's friend