Drake Bell and Josh Peck, stars of the hit Nickelodeon series nearly came to an end three weeks ago today when a guy fell asleep at the wheel and slammed head-on into Drake's vintage Mustang.

The Mustang, a 1966 model, of course had no air bags and no shoulder harness.
Suddenly, a week before their first TV movie, was set to debut, the highest-rated show among 'tweens - that awkwardly named group of 9- to 14-year-olds - was in serious trouble.
"I don't have kids, but I imagine the feeling I got when I got the call was very much like a parent's feeling," the show's creator, Dan Schneider, says.
"I knew his face had been cut pretty bad and his jaw had been smashed," he says. "But that stuff is cosmetic, and we all knew we could fix that.
"But he also had a slight neck fracture, and that was what was really scary.
"He easily could have been killed or found himself in a wheelchair."
"Drake & Josh Go To Hollywood" aired as scheduled last Friday to an audience of over 5 million viewers - the biggest thing on Nick in five years.
The series, now in its third season, is about two high-school classmates who know each other only slightly - until Drake's divorced mom and Josh's father started dating and eventually marry.
Suddenly the boys - Drake, the handsome, rock-band leader who gets all the girls, and Josh, the exuberant, portly tag-along - are stepbrothers and roommates.
The act is pure Dean Martin and
Jerry Lewis' and it still works. Both actors are 19 years old.

"Drake has the market cornered on cool," says Schneider.
Josh "has got this Jackie Gleason quality," he says. "Not only can Josh do the physical comedy and the pratfalls, but he can also sell a sophisticated joke and a touching moment."
As is often the case, Drake and Josh did not hit it off right away. But things improved when both were cast on
"I walked into 'The Amanda Show,'" remembers Josh. "And he said, 'You do comedy, huh?' I said, 'Yeah.' He said, 'Tell me a joke.' So I told him a joke from my act, and he laughed hysterically. So I thought, 'He can't be all bad if he thinks I'm funny.'"
Now they're best pals. Josh was one of the first people at the hospital the day of the accident.
Drake is out of the hospital, recovering at home. He is sitting around and playing his guitar, says Schneider. But his jaw is wired shut, and he is restricted to a liquid diet until it heals.
Plastic surgeons will take care of the scar on his jaw after that, says the producer.
Production on Season 4 of "Drake & Josh" was halted, but is expected to resume in mid-March.
Also for all the girls that check my site, here is an Q&A with Drake's Mom that I found.
Please enjoy:
special thanks to Drake's mom, b/c now i have some FAQ's.
1. When did drake decide he wanted to be an actor?

a. Drake started when he was 5. his dad got him into acting.
2. Do you know what inspires Drake to write his music?
a. life, what he's doin at the time. and there is just Drake doin what he does best, it is a gift.
3. when Drake started playing the guitar, did he instantly start writing music?
a. He fell in love with the music. He's been playing and writing and singing ever since.
4. Does Drake have an idol?
a. He loves the beatles, he loves music, he loves making something out of nothing. and might i add that he is very good at it!
5. is drake a picky eater or will he eat just about anything?
a. He is the worst eater! He does not eat very well at all! Picky! picky! picky!
6. Will Drake have t-shirts for sale on his web-site?
a. Drake is going to have many things for sale on his site. You are going to love all of it! He has the best taste, and everything sold will be preapproved my him. even though he is 17, he is the boss.
7. Has Drake ever "google-d" himself?
a. yes, Drake and i both used to see how many things were written about us. We had a contest he finally beats me, i had him for awhile though!
8. What is Drake's best personality trait?
a. He is very down to earth. He is not conceited, he really is a sweet guy. His stardom has not gone to his head. He love little children and watching him interact with them is such a blessing.
9. Is Drake right or left handed?
a. Right
10. Does Drake have a pet? and what is it's name?
a. He has a cat, Natashi.
Please keep him in your prayers.
annie i bet that you love that he plays the guitar.
YES, Very much YES!
you know what i just realized just how HOT he is:-)
how long did it take you to write that?
I Copy-ed Most Of It.
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