Zoe and Bonny:


Here is their compatibility prediction.
Leo is ruled by the Sun. It's symbol is represented by the Lion.Leo is a Fire sign, and is creative and grandiose.
Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto. It's symbol is represented by the Scorpion.Scorpio is a Water sign, and is passionate and intense.
Uh, Oh! A bossy Leo with a determined Scorpio? You will need a mutual goal (and a referee?) to see you through this relationship. Separate bank accounts are a must so neither will control the other's funds. Scorpio is devoted and Leo is dependable and as long as each is complimented for their contributions to this relationship, you could have a remarkable mixture. Scorpio's need-to-control can set goals and then allow Leo to "go to it" and step in only if there is trouble. Actually I personally do not think even that will work. But it's worth a try.
Oh well, We love them anyway. They are so cute!! To get more details, Go to www.justinandbonny.blogspot.com , That's Bonny and Justin's blog.
And also a little fun fact about birthdays, watch this...
Katrina - July 16 - Cancer
Zoe - August 17 - Leo
Annie - September 26 - Libra
Jason - October 28 - Scorpio
I thought that was cool!
Talk to ya'll later,
Darth Bluejay
they are sooo cute
they are adorable!!!!!
They were at our church yesterday, and when Zoe saw me she laughed out load, It was sooooooooooo cute!!!
it's Zoƫ
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