Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Hey guys,
i need a favor from ya'll. you can read details in ginas message below. basicly you have the chance to send a message to one of 82 marines. i used to go to church with this guy, Justin Chetelat. He is an awesome guy and we've been really proud of him as of late, so i would really appreciate what you can do for him and his squadron. thanks!!
luv ya'll


Justin Chetelat has somehow earned the privilege of being the only one in his squadron to be allowed to receive a care package at boot camp. There's just one caveat: there has to be enough of whatever we send for every one of the 82 recruits in the squadron. We've got people working on the goodies. Here's how we could use your help: We would like to include a personal note for each recruit thanking them for their willingness to serve our country, congratulating them on getting them this far, and encouraging them to hang in there for these last three weeks, etc. (in your own words, please!) They will be graduating September 9th.

Will you write a short note for us? You can also forward this request to other people you know as long as I get all the notes in by Friday noon. You can include scripture if you want. If you know Justin, you can tell how you know him--you might want to mention that he's in Platoon 1022. Of course, we'll want your full name and address in case they'd like to write you back. Address it to "Dear Marine Recruit". Send all notes to Gina Calvert at The internet is a powerful would be awesome if we got back enough notes to give each guy more than one note!


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