Saturday, September 27, 2008


FIRST OFF i just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. it was a quiet relaxing day, ending with the pres. debates. but i enjoyed it. my uncle is here from new mexico and i have a friend coming over whos gonna stay for afew days. AND my awesome mother made me a choclate-mocha gooey butter cake!!! (let me just say YUM!!)

this is my sister and uncle and cake.

Anyway, my mom wanted to know what i wanted for my birthday. so i said 'i would like to not have to clean my room' (because i knew my uncle would be coming to my house and i usually get kicked out of my room when guests arrive, so my room HAD to be clean)
Soooo she and my sister cleaned my room while i was gone for afew days. now, for some of ya'll who know me well or have seen my room, you'll know that i HATE to clean my room and i'm really really not good at keeping it clean. this last time it was the worse state its ever been, but now it's clean. i know some of ya'll wont believe me so i recorded a tour of my clean room.
so i would like to dedicate this video to my mommy and my sister katrina.

also, before when ike was about to hit texas, remember we went to IL. well one night my sister and i had nothing to do. so we decided to do this...
(WARNING : james dow, be warned. if you see this video, i don't think you'll ever talk to me again.....) :'-(

Spoof on Ghost Hunters (only with vampires)


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