Wednesday, January 25, 2006

this is an audio post - click to play


Bonny said...

Poor Annie. I'm so sorry you're sick. You know you got it from Tom of course. He also gave it to Mom and Will. Luckily Zoë, Jason and I didn't catch it.

Bonny said...

As an aside, here is your lesson in making an umlauted e (ë)

Alt + 0-2-3-5 = ë

Hold down Alt and use the keypad to type in the numbers.
Now you know :)

Annie said...


So it was Tom......
Is your Mom and Will feeling better?

Annie said...

how long will it last?

saxaphonegirl said...

hold on here, who is bonny?

Annie said...

Zoë and Jason's mom.

Annie said...

And Naffel is their Dad.

Bonny said...

Will was on his second day of being sick yesterday(Thurs) and Mom was just starting to come down with it.

Annie said...

Today, I'm feeling much better. Tell Will and your Mom 'Get well soon'. And tell Tom, 'Thanks alot'.

saxaphonegirl said...
